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Light Horse Memorial Park

Things to See and Do

Gateway information pavilion

The beautiful information centre, the gateway to the park, is located just across the footbridge near the car park. There you will find revealed the story of the park, and its importance to the history of our town and indeed the country. As well there is a detailed map which gives an idea of the extent of the park. The pavilion was designed by award winning architect Serdar Baycan of Tectura.


  • Walking
  • Bike riding
  • Horse riding
  • Bird watching
  • Photography
  • Reflect

Enjoy the park

The park’s hills and rugged terrain provide great opportunities for recreation ..a power walk, a ride on a mountain bike or even a horse, a perhaps just a companionable walk with your dog.

You will experience a feeling of peace and quiet in the regenerating bushland and open grasslands.  Wildlife you are likely to see include kangaroos, koalas and echidnas, as well as a wonderful array of birds, and wildflowers in Spring and early summer.

There are a number of tracks throughout the park, generally informal and in a natural bush track condition. There are some interpretative signs.

By contacting the committee you can arrange for vehicle access to Anzac Hill.