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Light Horse Memorial Park

Things to See and Do

Wildflower show

In late winter the park starts to burst in to colour with the Golden wattles first to bloom in August/September. Goodenias and Golden Guinea Flowers, brilliant red “Running Postmen”, purple Fringe Lily and masses of orange “Egg and Bacon” create a Spring wildflower show to delight the visitor. Orchids include Purple Bearded Orchid, Donkey Orchid and Wax Lipped Orchid.

Kids and students

The park is a great place to do a bit of exploring. You can ride your bike around the park too. Some kids come out with their families for a picnic or to go yabbying. There are some interesting animals in the park, like Kangaroos and Koalas, and it is a fantastic place to enjoy the bush, within biking distance from town.



Look out for kangaroos, echidnas and koalas, but please don’t disturb them. There are at least two Victorian endangered species to be found in the park, The Speckled Warbler, and the Diamond Fire Tailed Finch. Overhead you may be lucky enough to see the majestic Wedge Tail Eagle on its daily patrol of the park. Other raptors you might see are the Little Eagle, Brown Goshawk, Whistling Kite and Little Falcon.