Plant List
The following plants have been recorded on the land previously occupied by the Army in the Light Horse Park and in the immediate vicinity (eg Seymour Bushland Park).
- Red Stringybark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha)
- River Red Gum (E. Camaldulensis)
- Grey Box (E. microcarpa)
- Red Box (E. polyanthemos)
- Red Ironbark (E. sideroxylon)
- Black Wattle (Acacia meamsii)
- Lightwood (A. implexa)
- Blackwood (A. melanoxylon)
- Silver Wattle (A. dealbata)
- Golden Wattle (A. pycnantha)
- Hedge Wattle (A. paradoxa)
- Gold Dust Wattle (A. acinacea)
- Ploughshare Wattle (A. gunnii),
- Dooping Sheoke (Allocasuarina verticillata)
- River Bottlebrush (Callistemon sieberi)
- Native Cherry (Exocarpus cupressiformis)
- Chinese Scrub (Cassinia arcuata)
- Burgan (Kunzea ericoides)
- Alpine Grevillea (Grevillea alpina)
- Box Mistletoe (Amyema miquelii)
- Austral Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea australis)
- Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa)
- Goldfields Grevillea (Grevillea alpina)
- Daphne Heath (Brachyloma daphnoides)
- Austral Indigo (Indigophera australis)
- Native mint bushes (Prostanthera species)
- Native grasses (Themeda, Danthonia, Stipa and others)
- Sundews (Drosera species)
- Parrot peas (Dillwynia species)
- Bitter peas (Daviesia species)
- Everlastings (Helichrysum species)
- Daisies (Brachyscome species)
- Goodenia (Goodenia species)
- Running Postman (Kennedia pro strata)
- Guinea Flowers (Hibbertia species)
- Common Buttercup (Ranunculus lappaceus)
- Common Heath (Epacris impressa)
- Rice Flower (Pimelea hurnilis)
- Donkey Orchids (Diuris pardina, D. punctata, D. corymbosa)
- Sun-orchids (Thelymitra camea, T. antennifera, T. nuda)
- Nodding Greenhood (Pterostylis nutans)